Ep 309: Rethinking Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Nicole Cain, author of Panic Proof, discusses how anxiety can be a helpful messenger and shares holistic approaches parents can use to help their teens understand and manage anxiety and panic attacks.

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Full Show Notes

As parents, watching our teens struggle with anxiety can be heartbreaking. Our instinct is often to help them alleviate the discomfort or make their anxiety stop. But what if the anxiety isn’t just an obstacle to overcome, but also a clue? By understanding and interpreting anxiety, we can address its root causes and help our teens find lasting wellness.

This week, we’re diving into a revolutionary way of thinking about anxiety and panic attacks with Dr. Nicole Cain, a pioneer in integrative approaches for mental and emotional wellness. Nicole is the founder of the Holistic Wellness Collective and the author of Panic Proof. She aims to show us how anxiety can be seen as a helpful messenger rather than just a disrupter.

A Paradigm Shift on Anxiety

Nicole’s journey began with her own struggles with anxiety and observing anxiety in her loved ones. Traditional messages suggested that anxiety was a life sentence, often treated with medications that did more harm than good. Nicole set out to challenge this narrative, exploring how anxiety could actually be understood and managed holistically.

One of the key takeaways from Nicole's research is that anxiety is not simply a condition to be eradicated but rather a signal from the body that something is out of balance. By understanding these signals, we can address the underlying issues instead of just managing the symptoms.

Four Steps to Managing Anxiety

Nicole breaks down her approach into four actionable steps, making it accessible for parents and teens alike.
  1. Calm the Nervous System: Using practical tools like the panic pack, which can include fidgets or chemical freezer packs, teens can learn to soothe their immediate physical responses to anxiety. This step takes them out of a high-stress state and prepares them for deeper reflection.
  2. Onboard the Logical Brain: Once the immediate panic has subsided, reinforcing logical thinking becomes essential. Brain games and educational activities about mental health can strengthen the connection between the body and logical brain, enabling teens to process their feelings more effectively.
  3. Integrate Back into the Body: By practicing interoception and developing awareness of their bodily sensations, teens can start to notice patterns and triggers in their anxiety. This step involves becoming familiar with how their body responds to different stimuli, fostering a sense of control and understanding.
  4. Reprogram the Nervous System: This involves systematic desensitization or exposure therapy, where teens are gradually exposed to anxiety-provoking situations in a controlled manner. This step aims to expand their comfort zones and empower them to face their fears head-on.
Recognizing Different Types of Anxiety

Nicole has identified nine distinct types of anxiety, each presenting differently in the body. From gut anxiety showing up as digestive issues to chest anxiety marked by heart palpitations, recognizing these variations allows for more targeted interventions. Parents can use these insights to identify which type of anxiety their teen may be experiencing and find tailored strategies for relief.

Environmental Factors and Holistic Treatments

Environmental factors such as diet, mold in the home, and even parental anxiety can influence a teen's anxiety levels. Nicole stresses the importance of a balanced diet rich in fiber and nutrients to support gut health and overall mental wellness. Additionally, addressing external factors like a cluttered home or noisy environment can significantly improve a teen’s mental state.

In the Episode…

Beyond the steps and types, Nicole shares insights on:
  • The role of the gut-brain axis in anxiety
  • How interoception can provide early warning signs
  • The importance of creating a supportive home environment
  • Practical ways to incorporate holistic treatments into daily life
If you’re curious about further resources and tools, you can find them in Nicole’s book, Panic Proof, and on her website. For ongoing tips and community support, follow her on Instagram @drnicolecain.

Listen to this episode to transform how you and your teen approach anxiety. Don’t forget to subscribe to Talking to Teens for future episodes with more experts and their insights!

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Creators and Guests

Andy Earle
Andy Earle
Host of the Talking to Teens Podcast and founder of Write It Great
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA
Helping you beat anxiety is my jam. ✨💕 Author of PANIC PROOF | Speaker | Consultant | Cavapoo mom | Wifey | Treasure hunter
Ep 309: Rethinking Anxiety and Panic Attacks
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